3 different STEAM kits for the classroom or at home learning by Ozobot

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3 different STEAM kits for the classroom or at home learning by Ozobot

Explore the wonders of the solar system while learning fundamental STEAM concepts and engineering skills with OzoGoes to the Solar System. 

Components included in Ozogoes to the Solar System STEAM kit by Ozobot
Quick Start Guide
All you need to know to get started with your OzoGoes to the Solar System STEAM Kit!
Additional Videos

Ozogoes to the Solar System game board by Ozobot
Game Board
Ozogoes to Solar System steam kit planet punch-out boards by Ozobot
Punchout Boards (12 ct)
Activity cards for Ozogoes to the Solar System steam kit by Ozobot
Solar System Activity Cards (9 ct)
Ozogoes to the Solar System steam kit solar system model card by Ozobot
Solar System Model Card
Model match-up cards from Ozogoes to the Solar System steam kit by Ozobot
Model Match-Up Cards (36 ct)
Evo coding robot helmets from Ozogoes to the Solar System steam kit by Ozobot
Evo Helmets (4 ct)
Ozogoes to the Solar System steam kit inner rocky planets in action activity sheets by Ozobot
Inner, Rocky Planets in Action Activity (4 ct)
Ozgoes to the Solar System steam kit assembly instructions by Ozobot
Assembly Instructions

Inner, Rocky Planets in Action Activity with Answer Key

Students will compare and contrast the relative speeds of the 4 inner planets using a model of our solar system.

This activity is inside the Kit and requires a bot.

Debugging Spacecraft Challenge
Ozobot is on a mission, but there are bugs in the program! Students will debug the program so Ozobot can successfully complete the mission.
Programmer Spacecraft Challenge
Students will create their own program to help Ozobot mimic a spacecraft and complete a mission.
Rotation or Revolution
Students will observe the difference between rotation and revolution.

Learn about how the movements of the Sun and Moon affect different phenomena on Earth with OzoGoes to the Sun, Earth & Moon.

Assembled model of Ozogoes to the Sun, Earth and Moon steam kit by Ozobot
Quick Start Guide
All you need to know to get started with your OzoGoes to the Sun, Earth & Moon STEAM Kit!
Additional Videos

Game board for Ozogoes to the Sun, Earth and Moon steam kit by Ozobot
Game Board
Earth assembly from Ozogoes to the Sun, Earth and Moon steam kit by Ozobot
Earth Assembly
Moon, flashlight and Evo programmable robot helmet from Ozogoes to the Sun, Moon and Earth steam kit by Ozobot
Moon, Flashlight, and Evo Helmet
Ozogoes to the Sun, Earth and Moon steam kit punchout board by Ozobot
Punchout Board
Planet activity cards from Ozogoes to the Sun, Earth and Moon steam kit by Ozobot
Planet Activity Cards (3 ct)
Seasons and hemisphere activity cards for Ozogoes to the Sun, Earth and Moon steam kit by Ozobot for stem students
Seasons & Hemisphere Activity Cards (8 ct)
Inquiry cards with inquiry activity sheet from Ozogoes to the Sun, Earth and Moon steam kit by Ozobot
Inquiry Cards (4 ct) with Activity Sheet
Phases of the Moon Level 1 activity sheet from Ozogoes to the Sun, Moon and Earth steam kit by Ozobot
Phases of the Moon Level 1 Activity (2 ct)
Ozogoes to the Sun, Earth and Moon steam kit assembly instructions by Ozobot
Assembly Instructions (3 ct)

Phases of the Moon Level 1

Students will experience and identify 4 phases of the moon.

This activity is inside the Kit and requires a bot.

Inquiry Activity

Spring, summer, fall, winter. Students will see the relationship of the earth and sun that creates the seasons.

This activity is inside the Kit and does not require a bot.

Lunar Eclipse
Students will demonstrate and view a Lunar Eclipse using the Sun, Earth, Moon STEAM Kit.
Phases of the Moon Level 2 & 3
From a working model, students will identify and name 8 phases of the Moon.
Solar Eclipse
Students will demonstrate and view a Solar Eclipse using the Sun, Earth, Moon STEAM Kit.
The Near Side of the Moon
Students will use the Sun, Earth, Moon STEAM Kit to discover why we always see the same side of the moon.

Learn how to tell time using the Sun and much more with OzoGoes Around a Sundial.

Assembled model of Ozogoes Around a Sundial by Ozobot for students
Quick Start Guide
All you need to know to get started with your OzoGoes Around a Sundial STEAM Kit!
Additional Videos

Ozogoes Around a Sundial steam kit game board for stem students by Ozobot
Game Board
Ozogoes Around a Sundial steam kit sundial assembly with compass by Ozobot
Sundial Assembly with Compass
Lightstand assembly for Ozogoes Around a Sundial steam kit by Ozobot
Lightstand Assembly
Activity sheets and cards from Ozogoes Around a Sundial steam kit by Ozobot
What Time is It, Sundial? Activity & Cards (4 ct)
Evo's time challenge activity student worksheets from Ozogoes Around a Sundial steam kit by Ozobot
Evo’s Time Challenge Activity (2 ct)
Assembly instructions from Ozogoes Around a Sundial steam kit by Ozobot for stem students
Assembly Instructions (2 ct)

Evo’s Time Challenge

Evo will help tell time, while students draw and sequence Evo’s day.

This activity is inside the Kit and requires a bot.

What Time is It, Sundial?

Students will investigate how a sundial works with the sun to tell time.

This activity is inside the Kit and does not require a bot.

Sundial with Sunshine

Instead of using a flashlight, students will use the Sun and their sundial to approximate time.

Learn about leverage and simple machines with OzoGoes on a Seesaw.

Assembled model of Ozogoes on a Seesaw steam kit by Ozobot
Quick Start Guide
All you need to know to get started with your OzoGoes on a Seesaw STEAM Kit!
Additional Videos

Ozogoes on a Seesaw steam kit game board by Ozobot
Game Board
Punchout board with skewer for Ozogoes on a Seesaw steam kit by Ozobot
Punchout Board with Skewer
Weights from Ozogoes on a Seesaw steam kit by Ozobot
Vocabulary cards for Ozogoes on a Seesaw steam kit for stem students by Ozobot
Vocabulary Cards (8 ct)
What's the Force activity sheet and cards for Ozogoes on a Seesaw by Ozobot
What’s the Force? Activity & Cards (12 ct)
Seesaw with Evo programmable robot activity worksheet from Ozogoes on a Sundial steam kit by Ozobot
Seesaw with Ozobot Activity (4 ct)
Assembly instructions from Ozogoes on a Sundial steam kit for kids by Ozobot
Assembly Instructions (2 ct)

Seesaw with Ozobot
Use Evo to determine how weight affects balance.
A single print of this activity is included in the kit and requires a bot.

What’s the Force?

Students will be prompted to decipher whether the seesaw will be balanced or unbalanced based on weight placement. A bot is not required for this activity.

Seesaw with Friends

Students will experiment with balanced and unbalanced forces in a situation with friends on a seesaw.

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