Meet Your Rep!
Our sales team is dedicated to supporting your goals of bringing STEAM to your school, club or center.
To book a demo, request a quote or get in touch, please select your region below.
Diego Covarrubias, West
EdTech pro with 8 years of experience helping educators find the right tools to spark student success and inspire lifelong learning.
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- Oregon
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Diego Covarrubias, West
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- Oregon
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Ricky Quinones, Midwest
A robot nerd at heart, Ricky is based in Milwaukee and has 10+ years experience bringing solutions to educators for their STEAM, Computer Science, and CTE students.
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Wisconsin
Ricky Quinones, Midwest
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Wisconsin
Ricky Quinones, Midwest
A robot nerd at heart, Ricky is based in Milwaukee and has 10+ years experience bringing solutions to educators for their STEAM, Computer Science, and CTE students.
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Wisconsin
Joe Edlhuber, Southeast
Experienced teacher passionate about STEM, robotics integration, and fostering “ah ha!” moments through creative, hands-on innovation in the classroom.
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Virginia
- Washington DC
- West Virginia
Joe Edlhuber, Southeast
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Virginia
- Washington DC
- West Virginia
Nathan Hack, Northeast
Nathan is a teacher by trade with 7 years of classroom experience in 4th grade, who is committed to helping districts integrate STEM and Computer Science into core curriculum, turning everyday lessons into exciting opportunities for discovery. Nathan is a true believer in hands on learning by letting kids create.
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New York
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
Nathan Hack, Northeast
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Illinois
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New York
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
Nathan Hack, Northeast
I am a teacher by trade with 7 years of classroom experience in 4th grade (the best grade). I am committed to helping districts integrate STEM and Computer Science into core curriculum, turning everyday lessons into exciting opportunities for discovery. I am a true believer in hands on learning by letting kids create.
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Virginia
- Washington DC
- West Virginia
Gino Carbosiero, International
A seasoned sales professional with extensive experience in the education and consumer electronics sectors, specializing in building strong client relationships and delivering innovative technology solutions.
- UK
- Europe
- Asia
- Australia
Nick Brunner,
Beyond the Classroom
With over 15 years of experience in youth enrichment program management, Nick has championed Ozobot’s “Beyond the Classroom” initiative, partnering with educators to brainstorm and implement engaging, tailored STEM solutions to museums, libraries, after school programs and more.
- Coding Clubs
- Libraries
- Museums
- Tutoring Centers
Nick Brunner,
Beyond the Classroom
With over 15 years of experience in youth enrichment program management, Nick has championed Ozobot’s “Beyond the Classroom” initiative, partnering with educators to brainstorm and implement engaging, tailored STEM solutions to museums, libraries, after school programs and more. opportunities for discovery. I am a true believer in hands on learning by letting kids create.
- Coding Clubs
- Libraries
- Museums
- Tutoring Centers
Diego Covarrubias, West
EdTech pro with 8 years of experience helping educators find the right tools to spark student success and inspire lifelong learning.
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- Oregon
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Diego Covarrubias, West
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- Oregon
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Ricky Quinones, Midwest
A robot nerd at heart, Ricky is based in Milwaukee and has 10+ years experience bringing solutions to educators for their STEAM, Computer Science, and CTE students.
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Wisconsin
Ricky Quinones, Midwest
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Wisconsin
Ricky Quinones, Midwest
A robot nerd at heart, Ricky is based in Milwaukee and has 10+ years experience bringing solutions to educators for their STEAM, Computer Science, and CTE students.
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Wisconsin
Joe Edlhuber, Southeast
Experienced teacher passionate about STEM, robotics integration, and fostering “ah ha!” moments through creative, hands-on innovation in the classroom.
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Virginia
- Washington DC
- West Virginia
Joe Edlhuber, Southeast
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Virginia
- Washington DC
- West Virginia
Nathan Hack, Northeast
Nathan is a teacher by trade with 7 years of classroom experience in 4th grade, who is committed to helping districts integrate STEM and Computer Science into core curriculum, turning everyday lessons into exciting opportunities for discovery. Nathan is a true believer in hands on learning by letting kids create.
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New York
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
Nathan Hack, Northeast
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Illinois
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New York
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
Nathan Hack, Northeast
I am a teacher by trade with 7 years of classroom experience in 4th grade (the best grade). I am committed to helping districts integrate STEM and Computer Science into core curriculum, turning everyday lessons into exciting opportunities for discovery. I am a true believer in hands on learning by letting kids create.
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Virginia
- Washington DC
- West Virginia
Gino Carbosiero, International
A seasoned sales professional with extensive experience in the education and consumer electronics sectors, specializing in building strong client relationships and delivering innovative technology solutions.
- UK
- Europe
- Asia
- Australia
Nick Brunner,
Beyond the Classroom
With over 15 years of experience in youth enrichment program management, Nick has championed Ozobot’s “Beyond the Classroom” initiative, partnering with educators to brainstorm and implement engaging, tailored STEM solutions to museums, libraries, after school programs and more.
- Coding Clubs
- Libraries
- Museums
- Tutoring Centers
Nick Brunner,
Beyond the Classroom
With over 15 years of experience in youth enrichment program management, Nick has championed Ozobot’s “Beyond the Classroom” initiative, partnering with educators to brainstorm and implement engaging, tailored STEM solutions to museums, libraries, after school programs and more. opportunities for discovery. I am a true believer in hands on learning by letting kids create.
- Coding Clubs
- Libraries
- Museums
- Tutoring Centers