Ozobot offers turnkey solutions that make it easy to teach coding and integrate STEAM into before & after school programs, tutoring & coding centers, summer camps, libraries, and museum exhibits.

What is Ozobot?

A robotics platform for teaching STEAM and coding.

1 Solution for All Users

Trusted in 30,000+ K-12 US Schools

Hands-On Engagement

95% of users reporting increased student engagement

Interdisciplinary Learning

Turnkey Solution
No coding experience needed

All Grade Levels

All Ages 4+

All Subjects

Math, ELA, Science, SEL, Social Studies, Art

All Instruction Models

In-Person, Remote, & Hybrid

Two Ways to Code = Flexibility

Screen-Free with Color Codes

Coding with markers and paper.

On Screens with Ozobot Blockly

Visual programming with 5 skill levels.

Ozobot Classroom

Ozobot Classroom is a free STEAM lesson portal that makes it easy to engage students in all subjects.

Teacher Training

Standards-Aligned Lessons

All Grades & Subjects

Pacing Guides

Student-Facing Videos

Professional Development

The Key to STEAM Success!

Professional development opportunities – highly recommended to get any teacher started!

We offer in-person, virtual, and self-paced options to suit all budgets.

Who We Support

K-12 Schools

Before/After School Programs

Tutoring & Coding Centers

Summer Camps


Museum & Educational Institutes

Powering Ozobot Education: Funding for Computer Science & STEM Learning

At Ozobot, we understand that funds are a crucial element when it comes to making computer science and STEAM education accessible and engaging for all participants. That's why we're here to guide you through the maze of resources available, so you can infuse your program with our fun, intuitive, and educational robots.

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