Five customer stories

and independent studies about all things Ozobot

Discover how educators around the world use Ozobot to ensure that all children have an opportunity to create the future.


STEM Made Simple

Fill out the form to receive this collection of five stories about engaging all learners, anywhere, with Ozobot.


In this eBook, you’ll learn how to:

  • Strengthen attendance and address learning gaps with after school programs
  • Promote 21st century skills anywhere (even offline!)
  • Inspire girls to pursue STEAM careers
  • Transition between remote, in-person, & hybrid leaning
  • Engage students with autism and behavioral challenges
Get the eBook, Five customer stories and independent studies about all things Ozobot

What Is Ozobot?

Ozobot is a global learning company trusted in over 30,000 schools and committed to giving all children the tools to create with technology. Ozobot makes it easy to teach coding and STEAM and integrate them into all subjects, anywhere. Students code Ozobot robots in two ways–on screens with blocks and screen-free with colors. Teachers use Ozobot Classroom to launch ready-to-run lessons and track progress.

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