2 Ozobot Activities to Get You Excited for the New Pokémon Games

Did you know more than half of the 170+ STEAM lessons in our Lesson Library were submitted by educators from our community? We’re inspired every day by the creative activities and they come up with, that cover every grade, subject, and theme you can imagine. Case in point: as many of us are preparing for the release of two new Pokémon games for Nintendo Switch, we re-discovered these Pokémon-based Ozobot lessons, from educators Donna-Kelley DeBoer and Imane Ouis. Check out lesson details and links for grades 3 and up below!

Pokémon GO Hunter

Grades 3-12

In this lesson, students program their Ozobot Evo or Bit with OzoBlockly. Their goal is simple: catch all the Pokémon in the map. To win, they’ll need to program their bot to collect more poké balls, and will get introduced to OzoBlockly’s Line Navigation and Function blocks.

If your students are new to OzoBlockly, start with OzoBlockly Basic Training before this lesson. Or, let them dive straight into this lesson with 4th grader Salman as their guide!

Ozobot Meets Pokémon GO

Color Codes
Grades 3-7

Ideal for younger grades or creators who are brand new to coding, this lesson uses Color Codes to collect Pokemon. Color Codes are commands kids can create for Ozobots using markers. For extra STEAM credit, students can use dry erase markers to decorate their bots like poke balls. We think Bit looks pretty good in this getup!

[Hint: set your printer to “Fit to Page”!]

Share your Pokémon creations with us @Ozobot and use #OzoSquad! We can’t wait to see who wants to be the very best, like no one ever was, and catching them all as your true test, then training them as your cause.

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