Navigating the Pennsylvania STEELS Standards: Download the Free Ozobot STEELS Standards Integration Guide!

Navigating the STEELS Standards: Download the Free Ozobot Integration Guide!

With the recent adoption of the STEELS (Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental Literacy, and Sustainability) standards, schools across Pennsylvania are looking for effective ways to navigate the new science guidelines. The STEELS standards emphasize a holistic approach to science education, integrating critical thinking, problem-solving, and sustainability into the core of student learning. As educators adjust to these standards, finding resources that align with the STEELS framework becomes crucial for implementation.

Navigating STEELS Standards with Free Ozobot Resources

We’ve created a STEELS Standards Integration Guide to support teachers during this transition using free lessons from the Ozobot Classroom library. This guide is organized by grade level, making it easy for educators to find lessons that align with specific standards. Each lesson has been carefully selected to ensure it meets the new requirements and engages students with interactive and hands-on learning experiences. The result is a resource that helps educators integrate STEELS into their existing curriculum.

‘Trait Matchup’ Third Grade Lesson

One example of a lesson that fits perfectly within the STEELS framework is the “Trait Match Up” activity. In this lesson, students use the Evo robot to select traits from two-parent animals to create offspring randomly. Students then draw the resulting offspring, exploring the concepts of genetics and variation creatively and engagingly. This lesson is ideal for a classroom station and can easily be scaled to include 3D printing or 3D art, allowing students to bring their creativity to the table.

Incorporating Ozobot into Your Curriculum

It’s important to note the Ozobot STEELS Standards Integration Guide is not intended to be a standalone science curriculum. Instead, it offers a variety of hands-on and project-based learning activities that can be easily incorporated into your existing lesson plans, whether as a project, a classroom station, or an enrichment activity. These activities allow K-5 students to apply STEELS concepts in real-world contexts, making science both fun and meaningful.

Download the Guide

Ready to take the next step? Download the Ozobot STEELS Standards Integration Guide here!

If you have lesson ideas for the missing standards, please submit them using the Lesson Creator Tool in Ozobot Classroom. 

For questions about implementing Ozobot in your classroom or for more information on the Ozobot STEELS Standards Integration Guide, please reach out to Nathan Hack, Ozobot’s Account Executive for Pennsylvania, at Nathan is readily available to assist with any inquiries and help you maximize Ozobot’s resources in your classroom.

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