As the new school year begins, STEAM education is already making a vibrant impact in classrooms across the nation. Check out how some amazing educators and students have kicked off the year using Ozobot!

Day 1 of year 21 started on a high note in Ms. Foster’s classroom! The students kicked off the school year by learning classroom rules with their favorite coding robot, Ozobot. Here’s to another exciting year of color coding!

A new year of STEM learning kicks off with a special ribbon-cutting event, featuring Ozobot and Jacksonville State’s mascot at this STEM lab!

First Day of School at Irving ISD!
The first day of school was a hit at Irving School District, thanks to a fun game of Would You Rather: Color Coding Edition with Ozobot!

Coding was in full force at Conner Elementary School, where students had a blast color coding and getting creative in the library.

Building Community with Ozobot!
Mr. Graham’s third-grade class got creative by designing a color-coded community agreement, outlining ways students can treat each other with respect and kindness at school. How cool is that?

This seventh-grade classroom at Fowler Middle School collaborated, engaged in critical thinking, and communicated their chemistry knowledge in a fun and engaging way. They developed future-ready skills that will help them succeed both in the classroom and beyond with Evo and Ozobot Blockly.

Mrs. Ray’s classroom at John Lewis Elementary teamed up with Mrs. Scott, a STEAM teacher, to explore color coding with Ozobot. They delved into the “Introduction to Color Codes 02: Speed” lesson, learning how to draw color codes to program Ozobot to change speed levels.

Ms. Brown’s second and third graders at J.O. Davis enjoyed learning about color coding while reviewing the plots of their favorite stories, including “The Perfectly Messed-Up Story.”

Seventh graders at Fowler Middle School learned to code with Ozobot! By counting atoms and grasping basic coding principles, they’re not only acquiring a new skill but also developing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities that will be invaluable in their future careers.
Thank you to all our educators who shared their students’ creations. We love seeing your ideas and creativity come to life. Keep the STEAM activities and ideas coming, and don’t forget to tag @Ozobot or use #Ozobot in your posts for a chance to be featured in our next roundup of favorite #OzoThings.