Amanda Dodge

How Writers and Journalists Use STEAM to Succeed

Writing is one of the most varied fields in the modern workforce. The concept of a writer brings to mind a variety of images, from fiction writers sharing stories and trying to get published to cutting edge journalists breaking news to technical writers who develop expertise in complex subjects. All of these writers have something …

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Bots on the Field: The Future of Sports and Robotics

When you picture a robot moving around, you likely don’t think about athletic prowess and quick thinking. You likely picture a rock-em sock-em robot lifting one uncoordinated leg at a time, and then falling over without a clear center of gravity. But today’s robots are more adroit than you might think. They even help top …

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How Robots Are Helping in the Fight Against Climate Change

The effects of climate change become more dramatic every year. As humans, we are experiencing changes in temperature and extreme natural disasters are sweeping across the world. Plants and animals are also affected by the changing climate, with delicate species at risk and crops dying in extreme heat and drought. Globally, robot developers and researchers …

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10 STEAM Podcasts Parents and Kids Will Love

Podcasts have taken over the listening culture of America. Families can play podcasts in the car as they run errands, or curl up with their favorite podcast personalities after dinner. Both kids and parents are jumping on the podcasting craze. They can be informative, entertaining, and thought-provoking. The best part is that there’s something different …

10 STEAM Podcasts Parents and Kids Will Love Read More »

Teachers Helpers: Humanoid Robots and Robotic Toys in the Classroom

Robots don’t just assist with complex medical procedures and explore the deepest regions of space: They also help kids learn in the classroom. They befriend children who are too shy to talk to their classmates, and can hold the attention of students who otherwise have trouble focusing. Educators use robot helpers in different ways. Some …

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20 Artists/Engineers Using Science and Tech to Create Modern Masterpieces

Science, technology and engineering have always been a part of art. Ancient sculptors used physics when carving their creations, while painters mixed different organic materials and chemicals to make inks and paints. Today’s artists also use the tools available to them, pushing boundaries and technology to share their visions with the world. While each creator …

20 Artists/Engineers Using Science and Tech to Create Modern Masterpieces Read More »

How to Add a STEAM Peer Mentorship Program to Your School (And Why You Should)

Your students are some of the best resources in your school. With the right encouragement, they can help each other, build each other up, and improve the entire school’s academic success. However, this process rarely happens organically. Students need guidance to become peer mentors and help their classmates explore STEAM (STEM + Art) topics. Teachers …

How to Add a STEAM Peer Mentorship Program to Your School (And Why You Should) Read More »

How Special Effects Artists Use STEAM to Create Imaginative Visions

Special effects in film refer to a variety of different tools, tactics, and ideas. From real-life explosions that singe the eyebrows to digital dragons who swoop in and save the hero at the last second, it’s hard to imagine most movies without them. Technology has dramatically changed the movie-going experience and how we create films. …

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How Parents Can Explain Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to their Kids

Students are increasingly exposed to concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning at a young age. They might not know what these terms mean and turn to you for help. This is a challenge if you personally have never explored these concepts. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools and resources to help. Not only will …

How Parents Can Explain Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to their Kids Read More »

How Art Conservationists Use STEAM Skills to Restore Priceless Works

One of the biggest mistakes that parents, teachers, administrators, and even kids make is separating science and technology from art. Not only is technology often used to create art, but artists use a variety of principles and elements from chemistry, biology, and physics to create their works. A watercolor painting is actually a science experiment …

How Art Conservationists Use STEAM Skills to Restore Priceless Works Read More »

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