Amanda Dodge

Closing the Gender Gap in Tech

Editor’s Note: This post has been updated since it’s original publishing date. We added up-to-date statistics and resources. You may also notice a change in some of the language we use. At Ozobot, we try to regularly assess how the vernacular and ideas we present affect people, especially under-represented communities. Students of all genders play with …

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Bridging the Gender Gap: Female STEAM Heroes Inspiring the Next Generation

You might think of Marie Curie and Amelia Earhart when listing off female STEAM heroes, or even Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, popularized by the movie Hidden Figures. While these pioneers brought visibility to women in tech in decades past, many professionals are still fighting to break down the gender and racial gaps …

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25 Competitions for Parents and Teachers to Interest Girls in STEAM

Teachers across the country strive to inspire their female students to pursue lessons outside the classroom. By stepping away from books and into real-world applications, girls can form a stronger connection with the materials and turn learning into a fun activity. One way parents can take what is learned in the classroom and apply it …

25 Competitions for Parents and Teachers to Interest Girls in STEAM Read More »

A Hispanic girl raises her hand in class

Public Figures and Organizations Bringing More Diversity to STEAM

Black History Month is typically a time to look back at pioneer inventors of the past and people who have spent their lives advancing science despite racism and oppression. However, there’s still a lot of work to do. Underserved communities and education gaps still hold many black youth back from discovering their potential in STEAM …

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What You Need to Know About the STEM Race Gap

Minority students who dream about an engineering career face a host of barriers from implicit bias in early-childhood education to subconscious and overt racism in the workplace. There’s plenty of finger-pointing about where the racial gap starts, with some STEM organizations trying to find a magic solution to seal the gap and help students of …

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Trailblazers in History: 16 Black Inventors and Scientists to Inspire Your Kids

The movie Hidden Figures is a chance for young African American girls to see themselves reflected in the work of great NASA engineers Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughan. Even in 2018, science and technology fields struggle with diversity, and it’s hard for young girls and black students to find role models who look …

Trailblazers in History: 16 Black Inventors and Scientists to Inspire Your Kids Read More »

Art vs. STEM: How Teachers and Parents Put the A into STEAM

Some parents, educators, and professionals believe that STEM and the arts operate in silos separate from each other. Artistically gifted people create beautiful pieces that inspire while logical people stick to numbers and formulas. There is a belief that you are either left-brained or right-brained. Thoughtful or logical. Math or reading-oriented. But it doesn’t have …

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Why Speech Therapists Need to Speak Tech

Every Job is a STEAM Job is our series looking at why kids will need tech literacy and coding skills to succeed in their future careers, no matter where those careers take them. Previously, we looked at how technology is changing mental health, film, construction, archaeologists, set designers, teachers, fashion designers, architects, journalists, small business owners, and the professionals protecting our national parks. With Facebook Live, SnapChat, …

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12 Awesome and Educational YouTube Channels For Kids and Parents

Today’s kids watch YouTube in the same way past generations watched TV. They follow their favorite stars, comment on videos, and immediately rush to watch new content. While YouTube can be a handy tool for keeping kids occupied, it also has a lot of content that’s not great for children to see. Parents who want …

12 Awesome and Educational YouTube Channels For Kids and Parents Read More »

14 STEAM Classroom Activities to Celebrate Black History Month

STEAM is based on the idea that all subjects connect as one. Students can’t learn engineering without embracing critical thinking, art, creativity, and reading. This same concept applies to other subjects: just because something is related to history doesn’t mean it’s not relevant to the arts, sciences, and technology. February is a great time to …

14 STEAM Classroom Activities to Celebrate Black History Month Read More »

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