Heather Myers

An Ozobot lesson

3 Lessons to Inspire Middle and High School Students to Plan Their Careers

With New Year’s Resolutions and setting intentions for the future fresh on the mind, January is a great time for middle and high schoolers to begin formulating goals for a career that suits their unique interests, skill sets, and passions. Career Planning is important for setting short and long-term goals that will help students transition …

3 Lessons to Inspire Middle and High School Students to Plan Their Careers Read More »

What Can Martin Luther King, Jr. Teach Us About Bullying?

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most recognized names in civil rights, social activism, and nonviolent resistance, has been quoted saying, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” To commemorate all he believed in and the lives he touched, we’re taking a …

What Can Martin Luther King, Jr. Teach Us About Bullying? Read More »

4 Super-Engaging Cranberry STEAM Activities For Kids

Did you know that cranberries are one of only a handful of fruits native to North America? Those cans of sauce that get opened every year for Thanksgiving have a long history, dating back to before the Pilgrims even arrived. In the 17th century, Native Americans used cranberries for their medicinal value and to draw …

4 Super-Engaging Cranberry STEAM Activities For Kids Read More »

6 Winter Wonderland-Themed Activities with Evo and Bit

The coldest season of the year is quickly approaching. For a lot of kids, this means more time spent inside due to frosty weather. For teachers, keeping students entertained while confined That’s why we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite winter-themed activities that are not only fun, but encourage engagement and bring …

6 Winter Wonderland-Themed Activities with Evo and Bit Read More »

American Education Week: Celebrating Our Certified Educators

Educators play a huge role in our communities. They inspire, encourage, and motivate young minds and start them off on a path of success. Teaching has been said to be the one profession that creates all other professions, and we couldn’t agree more. November 12-16 marks The National Education Association‘s 97th annual American Education Week. …

American Education Week: Celebrating Our Certified Educators Read More »

Painting & Programming: An Interview With Artist/Engineer Bob Belt

Our Artists & Engineers series replaces the actor/model with the artist/engineer,  a STEAM slash-something that is really worth looking up to. Get inspired by the individuals and collectives we interview, including Laetitia Sonami, Mitch Wenger, Arthur Ganson, and Ozobot’s own Bob Belt below, as they open up about the projects they’re excited about, where they think technology is headed, and what advice …

Painting & Programming: An Interview With Artist/Engineer Bob Belt Read More »

Exploring Motion In Sculpture: An Interview With Artist/Engineer Arthur Ganson

Kinetic Sculptor Arthur Ganson has been perfecting his art since 1977. His work is extremely unique and has been exhibited in numerous galleries and museums in the U.S. and Europe, including the MIT Museum and The Exploratorium in San Francisco. The New York Times and Smithsonian have covered Ganson’s inventions. These creations, rather than serving …

Exploring Motion In Sculpture: An Interview With Artist/Engineer Arthur Ganson Read More »

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