Heather Myers

Our Commitment to Black Students & Teachers: Update 1

When we said we want to take long-term action to fight systemic racism in schools, we meant it. For far too long, black students have been denied the same opportunities as their white peers. Many people (including us!) believe that anti-racism can be addressed in the classroom, and we want to do our part. Here’s …

Our Commitment to Black Students & Teachers: Update 1 Read More »

Activities to Celebrate Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month

May is Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month, and there’s a lot to recognize and celebrate. Asian-Americans and Pacific Islander-American (AAPI) people play a large role in the history of the United States and continue to contribute to stronger societies as individuals and as a group.  The contributions of the AAPI community are vast, …

Activities to Celebrate Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month Read More »

4 Space-Themed Activities for May the Fourth and Beyond

There’s no doubt your kids are feeling cooped up after 2+ months of Shelter-in-Place guidelines. The good news is you can send them to explore space with Ozobot!  With Evo and 2 Ways to Code (screen-free Color Codes and block-based coding in OzoBlockly), there are infinite activities to keep your child engaged all summer while …

4 Space-Themed Activities for May the Fourth and Beyond Read More »

History in The Making: How Parents Can Embrace Distance Learning

The amount of schools closing for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year due to the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing. As more and more districts follow suit, the pressure many parents feel to facilitate their children’s distance learning isn’t easing up anytime soon—and we get it.  Parenting is never a walk in the park, but social …

History in The Making: How Parents Can Embrace Distance Learning Read More »

Earth Day Activities to Practice STEM During Distance Learning

April is probably very different this year in your home than years past. Usually a time to get outside and enjoy spring, we are relegated to spending most of our time inside. This Earth Day is interesting for another reason as well: Shelter-in-Place orders have provided immediate feedback on the impact we are having on …

Earth Day Activities to Practice STEM During Distance Learning Read More »

7 Ozobot Lessons to Adapt for Virtual Learning at Home

Update: At Ozobot, we’ve been working with districts, teachers, and our extended community to understand education’s new challenges with virtual learning, a new in-person classroom experience, and a hybrid of both. The result is our 1:1 Robotics Program, designed for teaching core subjects anywhere without sacrificing STEAM. For a full remote-friendly curriculum of lessons for Math, …

7 Ozobot Lessons to Adapt for Virtual Learning at Home Read More »

How Educators Can Practice Self-Care During This Time of Crisis

Practicing self-care is never a bad idea for educators, but it becomes even more important in times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic comes with understandable personal stress, but abrupt school closures and the need to adapt curriculum and student care indefinitely compounds the strain for educators.  Some had a few days to say goodbye to …

How Educators Can Practice Self-Care During This Time of Crisis Read More »

We Have Your Back: Introducing Our Expanded Webinar Series During School Closures

Many districts around the world have closed their schools in order to keep students and faculty safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. While we very much appreciate the efforts put forth to protect kids and teachers, we also know that many educators were not prepared or equipped for this sudden change. We know that many of …

We Have Your Back: Introducing Our Expanded Webinar Series During School Closures Read More »

Educator of the Month: Bringing Math to Life with Nikki Jones

We are excited to announce our March Educator of the Month, Nikki Jones! Nikki recently became a Certified Educator and is a third grade teacher. She has created some very inspiring lessons centered around math concepts for elementary students.  To have Nikki on board as an Ozobot Certified Educator is very exciting, and we can’t …

Educator of the Month: Bringing Math to Life with Nikki Jones Read More »

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