Latest from the OzoBlog
Discover new lessons, 21st century teaching strategies, and educators you should know.
7 Teachers & Students On What They’re Excited About For Back to School
Back-to-school jitters and excitement are an annual experience. But fall 2020 was a season unlike any other, and there are still plenty of unknowns as
2021 Back-to-School Fuel Giveaway
Ozobot’s latest giveaway is designed to give educators the fuel they need to start a new school year right. Whether you’re a teacher returning to
Our Favorite OzoThings: Summer Edition
It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy. We hope you are taking advantage of the summer sun, enjoying BBQs, beach time and some well-deserved time
June Educator of the Month: Sheila Slawiak, M.Ed
Who better to help close the CS opportunity gap than a computer scientist turned teacher? A 2021 MA Teacher of the Year Semifinalist and Ozobot
CS Standards Made Simple: New Ozobot Blockly Video Lessons
Computer science (CS) standards like CSTA are being adopted by more and more states across the US. For teachers, it can be a challenge to
Five Stories About Engaging All Learners, Anywhere, With Ozobot
In March of 2021, the American Rescue Plan set aside close to $130 billion in K-12 education funding with a wide range of allowable uses,