Latest from the OzoBlog
Discover new lessons, 21st century teaching strategies, and educators you should know.
Google Classroom 101: A Simple Guide to Going Paperless
Google Classroom is one of the most popular tools used by teachers today. In addition to reducing the need for paper, Google Classroom makes it
11 Exciting Lessons for Every Letter in STEAM-tember
September, shmeptember. Around here we like to call it… STEAMtember! Feel free to laugh, because we think we’re punny. More importantly though, we are excited
Our Favorite OzoThings Shared In August
It’s that time of year again: back to school! Did your summer fly by as quickly as Evo’s did? We hope that every educator out
Why Emotional Intelligence is the Hardest But Most Important Lesson
There are certain lessons that will stick with students long after they leave your classroom. They might not need to use their multiplication tables every
Demystifying The ‘Starving Artist’: An Interview With Artist And Engineer Nate Lubeck
Many people claim to want to change the world, but how many actually take the steps to do something to help others? Our very own
California Pushes to Add More Computer Science Classes for All Students
California teachers and administrators have been busy this summer. Educators from across the state have been working on initiatives set by the state Board of