Latest from the OzoBlog
Discover new lessons, 21st century teaching strategies, and educators you should know.

How Parents Can Explain Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to their Kids
Students are increasingly exposed to concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning at a young age. They might not know what these terms mean and

Recreate Amelia Earhart’s Final Flight, with Color Codes
You probably know a lot about famous female aviator Amelia Earhart. After learning to fly in the early 1920s, she went on to become the

July’s Educator of the Month Visits National Parks from the Comfort of Color Codes
We’re celebrating a #SummerofSTEAM here at Ozobot, and for many, summer vacation means trips to see new and exciting parts of the country. For me

Painting & Programming: An Interview With Artist/Engineer Bob Belt
Our Artists & Engineers series replaces the actor/model with the artist/engineer, a STEAM slash-something that is really worth looking up to. Get inspired by the individuals and collectives we

#BuiltWithOzoBlockly: Bot Beach Cleanup
Ozobot’s #SummerofSTEAM is in full swing, and we’re finding inspiration everywhere. The latest creation we’re geeking out over? Our friends at Genesis did a bot

How Art Conservationists Use STEAM Skills to Restore Priceless Works
One of the biggest mistakes that parents, teachers, administrators, and even kids make is separating science and technology from art. Not only is technology often