Latest from the OzoBlog
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Our Deconstruction Method: A New Way to Advance All Kids in Coding
With robots, coding comes alive. You only need a few coding concepts under your belt to teach Evo and Bit how to see, play, and

FETC 2018 Recap: Creativity, Coding, and Kits. Oh My!
If you missed Ozobot at the 38th annual Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC), fret not. We’re breaking it all down for you. Sir Ken

Activity: Evo and Bit are Looking for Love
Wall-E traveled the galaxy just to help Eve. Marlin crossed the ocean in search of Nemo. Lots of characters—robotic, aquatic, and human—have gone on epic

An Artistic Ozobot Activity, from Crafterina
Six years ago, professional dancer and visual artist Vanessa Salgado had a “pinch-me” moment. While in New York, she was contacted by an editor from

Crushing on Creativity: Artists and Ozobot
Valentine’s Day and the month of February tend to be focused on the present moment. A short-term sugar rush from too much chocolate. Roses that don’t

Art vs. STEM: How Teachers and Parents Put the A into STEAM
Some parents, educators, and professionals believe that STEM and the arts operate in silos separate from each other. Artistically gifted people create beautiful pieces that