International Women's Day: Girls in STEAM

#GirlCode: Ozobot Does International Women’s Day

Today, women make up 56% of the workforce in the United States, but only account for 5% of tech startup CEOs and founders.1 Luckily, the next generation is working hard to narrow the gender gap in STEM and STEAM and the little bots at Ozobot are eager to help however they can.

Evo and Bit are a girl coder’s best companion. With two creative ways to code–online with OzoBlockly and screen-free with Color Codes–they’re robots for all future artists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. Plus, app-connected Evo has social features that push creativity and collaboration even further.

Our bots are celebrating International Women’s Day (and Women’s History Month) in three big ways–saluting female tech innovators of the past, present, and future:

  • Past: Dorothy Vaughan and Fortran Lesson (Grades 5–10, for use with Evo and Bit)
    New to our online Lesson Library, this classroom activity gets hands-on with the work of one of the first girl coders and human computers, Dorothy Vaughan. Using OzoBlockly, students of all ages will discover formulas, FORTRAN, and a whole new definition of fierce.
  • Present: Girl Code book
    Virginia Woolf famously said “a feminist is any woman who tells the truth about her life.” In Girl Code, teenage coders Andrea Gonzales and Sophie Houser tell their truth, with a detailed account of their friendship, a little app called Tampon Run, and their explosive success in the male-dominated tech industry.
  • Future: list of 25 Competitions for Parents and Teachers to Interest Girls in STEAM
    Friendly competition has the power to inspire and create big ideas. From the Engineer Girl Essay Contest to Odyssey of the Mind, these 25 competitions and contests are a great way to take on tech’s gender gap and get the girls in your life interested in STEM and STEAM.

If you’re excited about Evo, Bit, and the Women’s History Month inspo above let us know. Comment below or share your story on social with #ozobot and #GirlCode.

  1. Source: The Muse

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