A collection of STEM-focused grant opportunities available now!
Happy New Year! As schools and districts kick off another exciting semester, there’s no better time to explore funding opportunities that can bring engaging, hands-on learning to your classrooms. The Ozobot Grant Report is your comprehensive guide to exploring financial support for building a program with Ozobot’s innovative STEM and CTE classroom tools. These grants empower educators to introduce computer science in creative ways, boost critical thinking, and prepare students for future careers in tech-driven fields. In this post, we’ll guide you through current grant opportunities available to help schools and districts incorporate Ozobot products into their STEM and CTE programs. Let’s make 2025 a year of innovation in education!
New & Noteworthy
Schools-To-Work Program Round 5
State: PA
Application deadline: 1/27/25
To support the establishment or enhancement of a workforce development partnerships between schools, employers, nonprofits, workforce development boards, organizations, or associations to create employment and training pathways.
Eligible Ozobot product:
Quick facts:
- Up to $250,00 available for eligible applicants
- Application deadline is 1/27/25
- Apply here
Middle School Foundation Academies Planning and Implementation Grant
State: CA
Application deadline: 3/31/25
The Middle School Foundation Acadameies Planning and Implementation Grant aims to establish MSFAs to prepare students for participation in a complete, high-quality career technical education pathway at the local high school.
Eligible Ozobot product:
Why Ozobot aligns:
- ORA curriculum is specifically aligned with CTE Pathways.
- The focus of this grant is on dual enrollment; students and institutions focused on career readiness. Additionally, the focus is on a high school diploma – our curriculum guides students to both.
- ORA’s six-axis configuration mirrors the robotic arms utilized in contemporary manufacturing, providing students with hands-on experience in operating advanced machinery.
Quick facts:
- Up to $50,000 per district; $1.05M total available
- Application deadline is 3/31/25
- Apply here
After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program
State: CA
Application deadline: 1/15/25
The After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program connects schools and local community resources to provide literacy, academic enrichment and safe, constructive alternatives for students in kindergarten through ninth grade. Funding is designed
to: (1) maintain existing before and after-school program funding; and (2) provide eligibility to all elementary and middle schools that submit quality applications throughout California. The application is for new grantees as well as existing grant recipients who wish to increase funding.
Eligible Ozobot product:
Quick facts:
- Up to $203,482.84 available for middle schools
- Application deadline is 1/13/25
- Apply here
Computer Science Professional Development Program
State: AZ
Application deadline: 6/30/25
For schools that serve 9-12 grades and are going to offer a new computer science course(s). Funds must be used for professional development in computer science. The new computer science course must be offered by the school within two years of the grant application approval. Grants are awarded on a first come, first served basis, with priority given to rural schools and schools with 60% or more of their students eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch.
Eligible Ozobot product:
Quick facts:
- Up to $25,000 available for eligible applicants
- Application deadline is 6/30/25
- Apply here
Manufacturing PA Training-to-Career Grant Program
State: PA
Application deadline: Rolling
To identify and teach missing essential skills for entry level applicants for existing or near future open positions, engage youth or those with barriers in awareness building activities of career opportunities in manufacturing, and or advance capacity for local or regional manufacturers.
Eligible Ozobot product:
Quick facts:
- Up to $25,000
- Application deadline is rolling as long as funds remain
- Apply here