
Ozobot Trick or Treat

Time to make your Halloween extra spooky with STEAM.With this printable Trick or Treat game, you’ll use colors to code your Evo or Bit and collect candy. The player who collects the most candy wins.

Just don’t forget the most important step. Before playing, dress up your Evo or Bit in a costume. This is the part where coders need to get crafty. Here at Ozobot HQ, we used anything and everything to decorate our Evo skins, from electrical tape to feathers to acrylic paints. Recreate your own Halloween costume. Or get inspiration from movies, TV shows, or even Mom and Dad’s favorite band…

Trick or Treat Game

This Trick or Treat game was designed by the Ozobot Edu team. Ozobots are currently used in over 5,000 U.S. classrooms to teach coding, robotics, and subjects way beyond STEAM. Lessons and activities for Evo and Bit can be found in our lesson library.

You’ll need:

  • Evo or Bit
  • Color printer
  • Red, black, blue, and green markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape

What to do:

  1. Print the Trick or Treat game (use white paper, color ink, and your printer’s “Best” setting).
  2. Read all of the instructions and game rules.
  3. Cut out your house cards and candy points cards. Glue or tape the candy point cards onto the back of the house cards.
  4. Play! See the ‘How to Play’ section in the instructions.

Share your spooky or sweet Ozobot Halloween costumes on social with #OzoSquad. We humans only tend to dress up this way a few times a year, for Halloween and the occasional comic con. It’s an excuse to express ourselves and channel alter egos. But Evo and Bit can dress up anytime, especially once our DIY Skin Packs come out later this fall. Each pack comes with four blank skins plus stickers and pop-outs. You can create different characters to code with, or change up your robot to match your mood. Keep an eye on our shop’s Accessories page for these fun packs to pop up.

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