New Ozobot Classroom - Announcing the future of STEAM learning

The Secret Is Out! Announcing Ozobot Classroom, The First-Ever STEAM Learning Management System

There are some big, exciting things happening over here at Ozobot HQ. We are thrilled to finally unveil what we’ve been secretly working on. As leaders in the STEAM education field, we know how important it is for educators to not only have the latest and greatest physical tools, but also a valuable system to manage their students’ academic progress. 

That being said, we are happy to present to you: Ozobot Classroom! 

What is Ozobot Classroom?

Ozobot Classroom is our new STEAM learning management system. This innovative system will make 21st century skills and future readiness measurable. The system comes free with any Evo Classroom Kit purchase of 12 or 18 bots, whether you’ve purchased one in the past, or plan to in the future!

Educator Dashboard

The educator dashboard will feature the student manager, where each student has a profile for data tracking, lessons, Evo insights (battery life, updates, etc), helpful guides, and more. 

Real-time Insights

Ozobot Classroom will offer teachers real-time insights into online and offline student engagement. This includes lessons and activities with Color Codes and with OzoBlockly. Never before have you been able to track students’ progress with offline schoolwork. By looking at your list of students in your dashboard, you can see which students need extra help and even use it as a tool to pair up students for projects. 


Thought our lesson library was awesome before? Well now, with the help of our new lesson submission tool, lessons will be filtered into Ozobot Classroom as recommendations, all while keeping standards aligned!

Speaking of the lesson submission tool, we are looking for more educators to submit lessons to our library for chances to get some awesome swag. This starts with the very first lesson submission! 

Data-driven digital badging

It is important to reward students for a job well done so that they can feel extra confident in their work. Do this by sending digital badges to students that are excelling in their lessons and activities.

What Our Engineers Have To Say

Leayle Galiber, Senior Engineer here at Ozobot, says, “Ozobot Classroom will allow educators to feel a level of comfort and ease with integrating STEAM into the classroom by helping to remove the burden of classroom technology management, which often gets in the way of actual classroom education. We hope Ozobot Classroom will be a sort of digital partner for our teachers, allowing them to focus on what counts the most: personalized attention to individual students.”

What Educators At ISTE Had To Say

We brought the beautiful Ozobot dome to ISTE this week and gave a special sneak peak to educators that stopped by. The feedback we received was incredible.

“I like being able to see what the kids are doing and the data behind it.” -Kate Carlson, grades K-12 teacher. 

“Data is a critical part of analyzing the effectiveness of any tool that we have.” -Ann Marie Furcinito, District Data Liaison.

“This is impressive!” -Janie Everett, Tech Specialist for grades K-5.

“I like that we can see progress to provide interventions if necessary.” -Sue Allen, grades K-8 teacher. 

“This is a very user-friendly platform and simplistic for teachers to understand.” -Maureen Kendrick, Teacher Center Director.

We are also happy to announce that we received prestigious award for our Evo Classroom Kits with Ozobot Classroom: Tech & Learning Best of Show at ISTE 2019!

Be sure to look out for Ozobot Classroom, coming to you this Fall 2019! In the meantime, sign up for email updates and a free 1:1 virtual training demo with a STEAM Specialist, here.

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