Many districts around the world have closed their schools in order to keep students and faculty safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. While we very much appreciate the efforts put forth to protect kids and teachers, we also know that many educators were not prepared or equipped for this sudden change.
We know that many of you are feeling overwhelmed about starting up distance learning with your students, and that technology resources do not come easily to most. Educators everywhere have had to very quickly come up with a whole new way to deliver curriculum, 100% online.
Teachers have always been our biggest heroes, but their ability and willingness to adapt to these new teaching practices just goes to show us that even more.
To provide as much support as possible during this time of school closures, we have expanded our webinar offerings! Every school is different in the amount of daily hours that are required by educators to engage in direct instruction with students, but if you have some spare time, we’d love to provide you with some valuable PD* and ways to engage your students with coding during your school closures.
View past webinars and register for upcoming webinars here. Be sure to check back frequently, as new webinars are being added weekly.
We want to hear from you! Do you have a topic you’d like to see discussed or talked about in an upcoming webinar? Would you like to be considered as a panelist? Let us know! Just fill out this form.
*Live webinar attendees may request a PD certificate after the webinar is complete. PD approval subject to local/district guidelines.