Latest from the OzoBlog
Discover new lessons, 21st century teaching strategies, and educators you should know.
Bots on the Field: The Future of Sports and Robotics
When you picture a robot moving around, you likely don’t think about athletic prowess and quick thinking. You likely picture a rock-em sock-em robot lifting
Ozobot Lessons for Every Letter in STEAM
Did you know Ozobots are used to teach subjects way beyond coding and computer science? If you take a peek into a classroom using Evo

Creator of the Month
#HackCreativity with your favorite bot and follow the steps below to enter for a chance to win a $100 Ozobot gift card and be featured on
How Robots Are Helping in the Fight Against Climate Change
The effects of climate change become more dramatic every year. As humans, we are experiencing changes in temperature and extreme natural disasters are sweeping across
6 Female Movers and Shakers in STEAM, From Then to Now
This month marks the 98th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted American women the right to vote. Since long before 1920, women have been
10 STEAM Podcasts Parents and Kids Will Love
Podcasts have taken over the listening culture of America. Families can play podcasts in the car as they run errands, or curl up with their