Latest from the OzoBlog
Discover new lessons, 21st century teaching strategies, and educators you should know.

Educator of the Month: Ms. Ligouri’s Murder Mystery Stories
Great writers reach people all over the world with their ideas. But some of history’s most prominent authors took a long time to get to

5 Things You Didn’t Know Were Invented By Women
The world around us is filled with inventions that have greatly improved our lives physically, socially, and intellectually. In fact, many of these creations have

Bridging the Gender Gap: Female STEAM Heroes Inspiring the Next Generation
You might think of Marie Curie and Amelia Earhart when listing off female STEAM heroes, or even Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, popularized

Book Report: Teenage Programmers Tell Their Story in Girl Code
Andrea “Andy” Gonzales and Sophie Houser were just like any other teenage girls, until they created a unique video game that went viral. The pair

20 Inspiring Women (and Girls) Changing the World of Robotics
Robotics is defined as the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. Whether it’s self-driving cars, assistants for

#GirlCode: Ozobot Does International Women’s Day
Today, women make up 56% of the workforce in the United States, but only account for 5% of tech startup CEOs and founders.1 Luckily, the next