Teaching Strategies

Transforming Education: How Teachers and Parents Can Support Learning Differences

It’s no secret that education curriculum has undergone many changes in the last several years. Whether it’s common core math, the focus on STEM disciplines, or the amount of testing required for funding, schools are under more pressure than ever to achieve a certain standard of excellence. In 2000, George W. Bush enacted the No …

Transforming Education: How Teachers and Parents Can Support Learning Differences Read More »

Closing the Gender Gap in Tech

Editor’s Note: This post has been updated since it’s original publishing date. We added up-to-date statistics and resources. You may also notice a change in some of the language we use. At Ozobot, we try to regularly assess how the vernacular and ideas we present affect people, especially under-represented communities. Students of all genders play with …

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Our Deconstruction Method: A New Way to Advance All Kids in Coding

With robots, coding comes alive. You only need a few coding concepts under your belt to teach Evo and Bit how to see, play, and explore with OzoBlockly, our block-based code editor. But, for many educators and students, advanced coding looks daunting. In a recent Pew survey, over half of Americans cited difficulty as the …

Our Deconstruction Method: A New Way to Advance All Kids in Coding Read More »

Hour of Code Inspiration: 15 Teachers Using Ozobots to Enrich Young Lives

Hour of Code, the STEAM education community’s version of Christmas, is coming up December 4 through 10. This global movement, centered around one-hour coding activities, reaches tens of millions of students. This year, Ozobot is getting involved in a number of ways, all with the aim of making this the most creative Hour of Code …

Hour of Code Inspiration: 15 Teachers Using Ozobots to Enrich Young Lives Read More »

Gateway Play: Why Gym Class is One of the Best Places to Teach STEAM

Recently the acronym STEM has expanded into STEAM to include art and even STREAM to include reading. Many teachers agree that learning concepts like science and engineering require students to tap into creativity and research. However, while many different instructors are starting to collaborate and create project-based learning plans that boost STEAM concepts, some physical …

Gateway Play: Why Gym Class is One of the Best Places to Teach STEAM Read More »

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