Search Results for: robots in the world

Students with Learning Disabilities and STEM: Access is Important

Editor’s Note: This post has been updated since it’s original publishing date. We added up-to-date statistics and resources. You may also notice a change in some of the language we use. At Ozobot, we try to regularly assess how the vernacular and ideas we present affect people, especially under-represented communities. In this case, we have …

Students with Learning Disabilities and STEM: Access is Important Read More »

Announcing a Special Giveaway with our Friends at Bakpax!

Over the past six months, the need to address the equity gap in education has been more apparent than ever. That’s why we were so excited to see the work Bakpax is doing to help teachers ensure seamless continuation of instruction amidst the uncertainty of education in 2020, incuding offering free educator access to their …

Announcing a Special Giveaway with our Friends at Bakpax! Read More »

July Educator of the Month: Kendra Jordan’s Social Emotional Approach to Tutoring

July’s Ozobot Educator of the Month, Kendra Jordan, is one of those educators who gets creative in challenging times. She saw significant pain points with distance learning–particularly for students with special needs and different learning styles–and designed and launched a totally unique tutoring solution this summer with My S.E.A.T.–My Social Emotional Approach to Tutoring.  After …

July Educator of the Month: Kendra Jordan’s Social Emotional Approach to Tutoring Read More »


Ozobot is redefining the role of robotics in education with our award-winning coding robots and STEAM-based learning solutions. Get Demo Grant & Funding Info Get Demo Grant & Funding Info 25+ EdTech Awards All Grades & Subjects Coding With & Without Screens Standards-AlignedLessons 25+ EdTech Awards All Grades & Subjects Coding With & Without Screens Standards-AlignedLessonsAwards Hands-On …

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A Utah city skyline

Utah’s Plan to Bring CS Education to All Students by 2022

Over the past year, we have explored how different states are developing STEAM learning and computer science initiatives–from California to New York. In the coming months, we’ll keep an eye on how the global COVID-19 pandemic will impact both state-level and internal school curriculum initiatives. Pre-coronavirus school closures, the state of Utah recently stepped up …

Utah’s Plan to Bring CS Education to All Students by 2022 Read More »

Ozobot video submissions announcement

Submit Your Ozobot Lesson Video to Win a Bot for Each Student in Your Class!

As you may know, we launched our 1:1 Robotics Program to better support educators, no matter their teaching format this Fall and beyond. The Ozobot team is hard at work creating a remote curriculum for ELA and math that is flexible for distance and in-person learning; however, we know that some of our greatest lessons …

Submit Your Ozobot Lesson Video to Win a Bot for Each Student in Your Class! Read More »

The Davidson Center in Alabama

The State of STEAM Education in Alabama

Last month, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey and Superintendent Dr. Eric Mackey announced that the state’s schools would finish out the year online to help flatten the curve of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Measures like this around the world have left educators facing huge challenges: keeping students engaged and ensuring equitable access to distance learning.  Some …

The State of STEAM Education in Alabama Read More »

COVID-19 and Your Classroom: How to Clean Your Bots and Keep the Coding Going

Cleanliness and sanitation is at the forefront of the minds of everyone right now. With the widespread number of cases of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in many countries, including the United States, the world population is becoming increasingly concerned for their health.  The health and safety of our #OzoSquad community is our highest priority. We …

COVID-19 and Your Classroom: How to Clean Your Bots and Keep the Coding Going Read More »

STEAM in Texas: How Can This Massive State Provide Equitable Education?

Texas has the most counties of any state. It is second only to Alaska in landmass and to California in population. This means that the state Board of Education needs to serve a significant number of students from diverse backgrounds spread out over hundreds of thousands of miles. This is no easy task and one …

STEAM in Texas: How Can This Massive State Provide Equitable Education? Read More »

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