Latest from the OzoBlog
Discover new lessons, 21st century teaching strategies, and educators you should know.
ShapeTracer 2: Introduce Loops Remotely with a Robot Simulator
Interested in providing your students (or kids!) with meaningful computer science experiences without a robot? Check out ShapeTracer 2! This blog post will guide you
Teacher Appreciation Week: Meet the Teachers of Ozobot!
Teacher Appreciation Week is treated like a national holiday at Ozobot HQ. With schools closed across the country, we’re more eager than ever to connect
Mother’s Day: Social Distancing Edition
It comes as no surprise that Mother’s Day is going to look a little different this year. With safer at home guidelines in many areas
4 Space-Themed Activities for May the Fourth and Beyond
There’s no doubt your kids are feeling cooped up after 2+ months of Shelter-in-Place guidelines. The good news is you can send them to explore
April Educators of the Month: Engaging Kids in Current Events
As the U.S. responds to the coronavirus crisis, millions of people find themselves out of work, concerned about at-risk family members, or struggling to adapt
Utah’s Plan to Bring CS Education to All Students by 2022
Over the past year, we have explored how different states are developing STEAM learning and computer science initiatives–from California to New York. In the coming